Large Repair Hang Tabs Specifications
- Euro Large Repair Book
- 26mm x 50mm
- Semi-Rigid
- 1
- 400
- Pad Form
- 500
- 50
- Euro Slot Hang Tabs
- 50
- 50
- 10
Euro Book Hanging Tabs
Most Popular Seller Euro Slot Hang Tab
This is one of the most popular models in our Euro profile Hang Tabs range. It is a pad form hang tab Ideal for Repair and a wide range of applications. This Hang Tab easily outperforms most other brand Hang Tabs in this size range.
Maximum Weight Rating
Our maximum weight ratings are for guide purposes only. All customer applications should be tested and verified by the customer due to the number of variables involved.
PVC Free
All goods are dispatched after an invoice has been provided and payment is received. To maintain our best possible pricing, without building in finance-related charges, we do not offer credit accounts.